
React Native Svg A Guide To Use SVG Class In React Native

React Native is the most popular mobile development platform for building high-fidelity cross-platform applications. The React Native community is growing at a rapid pace and there are many new features being added in every release. One such feature that has been introduced recently is SVG support in React Native. In this article, we will discuss how to use SVG images in your React Native app using different tools like importLibrary or Canvas view for creating custom components based on SVG files!

React Native Svg

Svg is a vector-based image format that can be easily imported into your app. It’s super easy to use, and it’s especially great for creating icons and other graphics. The main benefits of using SVG are the ability to scale, move and rotate elements in 2D space without losing quality or detail.

Web developers have been able to use SVG files directly in their apps for some time now through Google’s Polymer project (which uses Web Components). With React Native you don’t need another library; simply download the SVG icon pack from here: https://github.com/facebook/react-native-svg

Then, import the icon pack into your project. You can do this by adding the following line of code to your js file: import ‘package-name/svg-pack’

SVG is a vector graphics image format based on XML

SVG is a vector graphics image format based on XML. It’s an incredibly flexible, scalable image format for web browsers, mobile devices, and computer monitors.

SVG was developed initially by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to provide a common language for creating graphical elements that could be displayed on websites or rendered by other software applications. In short: it’s a way for developers to create their own custom shapes with ease—and keep them consistent across all platforms!

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics

SVG is a vector graphics image format that’s based on XML. The term “vector” refers to the fact that SVG files can be scaled up or down without losing quality, which makes them ideal for use in apps like React Native.

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics, so what you’re really seeing when you open an SVG file is the result of drawing shapes and lines using mathematical formulas instead of pixels (like PNGs do). This makes it possible to create any size or shape without having to worry about how big your screen is—you simply change its scale!

How To Use Svg In React Native ?

You can import SVG images in React Native using this code:

import { Image } from ‘react-native-svg’

import App from ‘./App’

const svg = new Image ( ‘path/to/your_svg.svg’ ) ;

Import Library (h3 all till line gradient)

In this step, you will be importing the SVG library in your app. You can do this by adding the module react-native-svg to your project and then importing it as follows:

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from ‘react’; import { Svg } from ‘react-native’; class App extends Component { render() { return ; } } const styles = StyleSheet .create({ container: { flexDirection: ‘column’ }, });</script

React Native Svg Images: use a FilePath to load your SVG file


Canvas is used for drawing graphics. It’s a bit like svg, but it’s smaller and more effective in some ways.

In this section, we’ll learn how to use canvas with React Native.

Canvas was first introduced in HTML5 (the language that powers modern web pages), and it’s still one of the most popular ways of creating vector graphics on the web today. In fact, it’s so popular that React Native includes its own implementation called react-native-vector-canvas!


The Circle component has a radius property, which specifies the radius of a circle. You can also use this to change its color or stroke with different styles. There are other properties like strokeWidth and fillColor that you can use to change the shape or color of your circle respectively.


Ellipses are used to draw ellipses. They can be used in React Native to draw circles, ovals and other rounded shapes.

The Ellipse component is a member of the React Native Svg library and it allows you to render SVG elements as native SVG shapes within your app.


Group is used to group elements. Group can be used to create a container for other elements and group them together.


The following command imports the image:

import React from ‘react’; import { Svg } from ‘react-native’; const image = new Svg({ className: ‘source-image’ });

The following line creates an array of x, y coordinates for the top left corner of your file. This will be used when you want to position it on screen later on (more on that later). You can also specify width and height attributes if you want to scale up your file before displaying it in full size via a device’s display media quality settings (which varies between devices).


The line element is used to draw a straight line. It has a start point and end point, as well as stroke color and stroke width.

A line can be considered a path element in React Native SVG because it has two child elements: start and end.

Linear Gradient

Linear Gradient is a smooth color transition between two points. It is the most basic form of gradient, and it can be applied to any element. The beginning and end colors are specified in terms of CSS colors, with their relative positions indicated by percentage values (like 40% or 50%).

SVG is used for making scalable vector graphics for mobile applications

You can use SVG in your React Native app. SVG is a type of markup language that enables you to create scalable vector graphics for web and mobile applications.

React Native supports native-like rendering using CSS, JSX, and React Native’s own render method.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of React Native and SVG. We’ve discussed how to use these technologies in your apps and what types of visualizations you can create with them. We’ve also looked at some helpful tools that can help make your life easier!

We hope these resources will be useful when it comes time to build an app with React Native or SVG as part of it. If nothing else, take advantage of all that React Native has to offer—it has lots more than just native-looking graphics! It can actually run on iOS and Android devices too (though our focus here was on Android). So don’t be afraid! And if you have any questions about any other aspect of React Native or SVG, feel free to contact us 🙂

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  • Flutter vs React Native
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  • 7 Crazy JS features
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  • Java Composite Data Types
  • Interface in JS and Importing in JS


published: December 5, 2022