
Java Composite Data Types: A Comprehensive Guide to the Java Collection Framework

Java is a high-level programming language that can be used to develop a wide variety of applications. It is one of the most popular programming languages in the world and it is also one of the most widely taught. One of the reasons for this is that Java is not only object-oriented, but it also has an extensive library of standard classes that are available for programmers to use.

This article will provide you with an overview of Java composite data types and how they function within the Java Collection Framework.

Java has a lot of composite data types

Java has a lot of composite data types. Some are interfaces, some are concrete implementations, and some are neither. This section will help you understand what each one is and how they work together.

What is Java Composite Data Types ?

Java is a programming language that supports data types. One of the data types supported by Java is the composite data type. Composite data types are also called composite classes, or just composites for short.

The Java Collection Framework provides a set of interfaces and classes for storing and managing composite objects. A composite object is an object that contains other objects as members.

The key to understanding composites is realizing that they contain other objects. A composite object is an object that contains other objects as members.

A composite object is an object that contains other objects as members. The key to understanding composites is realizing that they contain other objects.

The class to be discussed in this article is java.util.

ArrayList. This class works with long-lived, reusable collections of values (also called elements).

These collections are indexed and stored in memory, but the list can be backed up on disk or in another process by using a linked-list implementation of the interface List.

Java Composite Data Types Part I: Primitive & Object Primitives


Java is an object-oriented programming language that is concurrent, oops operated and class-based.

Java has been used to implement a wide variety of computer programs including operating systems, compilers, graphics programs, web browsers and more.

The Java programming language was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has fewer low-level facilities than either one.

Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types are the simplest data types in Java. They are often used to represent a single value and they have no methods, constructors or fields.

Boolean java

A boolean is a primitive type that can only have two values: true or false.

Char java

A char is a primitive type that can be represented by any Unicode character. It has no methods, constructors or fields.

Float java

A float is a primitive type that can be represented by decimal numbers with up to six digits after the decimal point (e.g., 3.14). It has no methods, constructors or fields.

Double java

A double is a primitive type that can be represented by decimal numbers with up to 15 digits after the decimal point (e.g., 3.14159265358). It has no methods, constructors or fields.”

Object Primitive Data Types

String in JavaScript 

Strings are used to store text. They are the most common data type in programming.

Short in JavaScript

Short is a type of number that stores a small amount of data. It is used for storing integers that range from -32768 to 32767.

Long in JavaScript

Long is a type of number that stores a large amount of data. It is used for storing integers that range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Java Composite Data Types Part II

What is a List in Java ?

A list is a data type that stores elements in an ordered manner. The list can be of different types such as ArrayList, LinkedList, and Vector.

What is a Set in Java ?

A set is a collection of exclusive variable or objects.

A set in Java can be created using the following syntax:

set mySet = new HashSet(size);

The size specifies the number of elements that can be contained in the set. The type specifies the type of object that is allowed to be added to the set.

What is a Map in Java ?

A map is a data type that joins keys with values. The map in Java is a class that provides an implementation of the interface Map.

A map stores key-value pairs.

Maps are often used to implement associative arrays, sets, and queues.

Maps are implemented using two fundamental operations: get(k) and put(k,v).

Interfaces : Collection, Iterable

You’ve probably heard the term “composite data type” before, but what exactly does it mean?

Composite data types are collections of objects that can be used like other Java primitives. The Java collection framework includes many different interfaces for creating collections, including ArrayList and LinkedList, which we will cover in this section.

An interface is a set of methods and variables that define how one class should behave when interacting with another class using a particular set of parameters (the “interfaces”). In this case, Collection is an interface defined by java.util.* packages; Iterable has no specific documentation on its own but instead uses Collection to implement its behavior.


ArrayList is a dynamic array. It has no capacity limit and it can dynamically resize itself as needed. The list size can be changed at any time, even during iteration (for example, if you add an element to one end of an ArrayList).

However, there are certain restrictions for using this class such as, It is not synchronized so you cannot use multiple threads concurrently when working with ArrayLists; however, in most cases, your code will be implemented in one thread only anyway so this shouldn’t be much of a problem.


HashSet is a collection that contains exclusive variables or elements. It is an unordered collection, which means it does not maintain any particular order among its elements. The objects contained in the HashSet can be of any type and there’s no need to specify the type when creating an instance of this class.

The hashCode() method determines how quickly two objects are compared for equality using their contents (i.e., their values). This property may or may not be implemented by a class; some collections don’t have this functionality while others do.


LinkedList is a List implementation that uses nodes to store items. A node consists of an interface, which contains a reference to another node, as well as other fields such as the number of elements in the list and its capacity. The LinkedList implementation provides fast addition and removal from either end; however, it can be slow when used for random access by removing or inserting one item at a time because each position must be traversed independently before determining if there are any additional items after those already stored within that location on disk or memory card (e.g., in RAM).

In order for you to use this data structure effectively, you must first understand what makes it different from other containers such as arrays. Nodes contain references instead of pointers; therefore they do not require extra memory space since each node points directly back onto itself rather than pointing toward some external object like an array does when accessed via indices (1-based). 

This means that adding/removing nodes requires less effort overall because there’s no need for copying data around between different places within your application code base – everything stays intact locally where it belongs instead!


HashMap is a key-value-based collection. It is similar to Hashtable in that it uses the same basic interface, but it has some differences:

  • It does not support synchronized methods or iterators.
  • It doesn’t have an order of its keys or values, unlike the generic Collection class that has both order operations for its items. 
  • The order of entries can be changed after creation by calling addAll(java.lang.Object[]) method on the HashMap instance which takes multiple objects as parameters. 
  • Like other collections (e.g., List), you can use the remove(int) method to remove an entry from this map without changing its underlying data structure at all; however, this will throw an out-of-range exception if called while iterating through entries already exists in this map


The PriorityQueue class is a collection of objects that can be ordered in some way. It’s like a queue, but it has priorities instead of just being ordered by time.

The first thing you’ll notice about priority queues is that they’re much more flexible than queues; they let you specify how elements are assigned to the queue and when they should be removed from the queue (or not). In addition, they allow an element with a higher priority than another element to be removed before one with a lower priority! This makes them useful for things like sorting data into groups based on various criteria—for example: if we want all orders containing items with high prices first compared with orders containing low-priced items last then we could create two separate PriorityQueues: one for sorting by price and another for sorting by quantity


Java has a lot of composite data types, which can make the language more complex than it needs to be. I hope this article has helped you learn about the most important ones and what they’re good for. If you have any questions or comments about Java’s collection framework, don’t hesitate to contact us!



published: December 2, 2022