
What are Azure PostgreSQL and Azure SQL Database Management

The choice between PostgreSQL and SQL is a tough one. Both are fantastic databases but they have some key differences when it comes to their performance, security, and cost structures. In this article, we’ll talk about the pros and cons of each database so you can better understand what kind of performance you should expect from your application.

What is SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language for interacting with databases. It can be used to create and manage databases, manipulate data in a database, as well as create and run queries on them.

SQL is the standard query language that is used to access information stored within relational databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL. The acronym stands for Structured Query Language and it’s pronounced “sequel”.

It is a programming language used to interact with relational databases. It is the standard query language that is used to access information stored within relational databases like PostgreSQL or MySQL.

The SQL language is a standard language for accessing relational databases. It can be used to access a single database or multiple databases, and it can also be used to query, insert, update and delete data in the database.

SQL provides you with a way of creating tables that hold your data. Each table has columns (fields) that contain information about the different aspects of your business process such as customer information or product inventory details. When you run queries on these fields they will return specific results based on their values being present in those fields at that point in time

Where SQL is used ?

SQL is used in almost all databases, and it’s the only language that can be used to write queries. It’s also used for data warehousing and reporting, as well as analytics and integration.

SQL can be easily integrated with other languages like C++ or Java (and others), so you don’t have to learn another syntax or type system if you already know another one.

PL/SQL is a robust language that has many features, including functions and procedures, variables, control statements (for example, if-then-else), error handling, and exception handling. PL/SQL is a procedural language used in the Oracle Database Server. It is used to create and manage databases, manipulate data in a database, and create queries on the database.

Types of SQL

There are two types of SQL:

  • PostgreSQL is a collection of functions and data types that work with different databases. It supports many different database engines, including MySQL and MariaDB.
  • MySQL is the most popular open-source relational database system (RDBMS) in the world, with more than 100 million users worldwide.

PL/SQL is the procedural extension to SQL, and it is used to create and manage databases, manipulate data in a database, and create queries on the database. PL/SQL runs inside Oracle Database. SQL can also be used to create indexes on the columns in your tables, which allows you to run faster queries on them.

Azure PostgreSQL

Azure PostgreSQL is a great option for customers who want to host their own version of the database. It’s easy to set up and use, with a free tier that includes 1 GB of storage and unlimited queries per hour.

  • You get access to all the features of traditional SQL Server (e.g., CREATE TABLE) except for those features related to Azure; this includes identity management, geo-replication, and multi-AZ deployments (which we’ll cover later).
  • The cost model is similar: you pay for each instance based on minutes used rather than disk space consumed—so if you’re using a single machine with no other traffic coming in over your network connection it’s likely cheaper than getting multiple machines running on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs).

You can also use eSQL with the Azure Data Lake Store to create a hybrid solution that combines on-premises storage with cloud-based processing. This allows you to keep your data in a secure, private location while still taking advantage of all the benefits offered by Azure’s scalable infrastructure and pay-as-you-go model.

Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Database is a relational database service that enables you to build and deploy enterprise-scale databases. It offers a complete set of enterprise-grade features and supports over 20 industry-standard programming languages.

Azure SQL Database provides the following functionality:

  • SQL Server 2016 Writer and Reader support, including script execution in batch mode via T-SQL (Transact-SQL) scripts or PowerShell scripts;
  • Centralized management with single sign-on authentication, role-based security, and role assignment capabilities;
  • High availability through automatic failover between Availability Zones;
  • Easy scalability through horizontal scale-up or scale-out that allows you to create multiple instances of your databases within an account

PostgreSQL vs SQL

PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database system. It’s based on the SQL standard and can be used as a replacement for MySQL or MariaDB, but it also has some unique features that make it more suitable for certain types of applications.

SQL is a query language for the relational model (RDBMS). It’s used to access data stored in relational databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database Server. Most modern RDBMSs support both SQL and Structured Query Language (SQL), but not all systems support both formats at once; this means that you can’t use one database engine with multiple languages simultaneously—you’ll need two separate instances of each engine installed on your machine if you want them side by side!

SQL is a powerful language that allows you to manipulate data in your database. It’s designed for heavy-duty operations, and it’s not the easiest thing in the world to learn.


PostgreSQL vs SQL is a question that comes up in many forums, and the answer is always going to be different from person to person. It depends on what you need your database for (and how much you want it to do), as well as what type of programming language you use. In short: if you’re a programmer who needs super high performance or low latency then PostgreSQL is probably the best choice—especially if you’re already using PostgreSQL! If you want to make cloud-enabled custom apps, feel free to contact us for our expert services.



published: December 6, 2022